
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Mark Rubin interview | Telegraph

Call of Duty: Ghosts has plenty riding on it, though you would struggle to tell that from the relaxed demeanour of executive producer Mark Rubin. Developer Infinity Ward faces two very different challenges: maintaining the franchise’s success in the face of stern competition from the likes of EA’s Battlefield 4, and overcoming the trials of cross-generational development.

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SonyAddict3596d ago

This mark Rubin should give himself a massive palm to the face!.

MRMagoo1233596d ago

i thought this was interesting "In [the] previous generation we had pretty much parity across all platforms – PC, 360, PS3, all had the same art assets and everything. With the introduction of next-gen [hardware], we thought: let’s change pipeline the around, and make the best assets we can for each platform. That being said, the current-gen [consoles] didn’t just get a worse version, they got the best version for them. So we’d start with a character asset so high resolution and detailed that it wouldn’t work on any platform and use that as a base to make the best character for each platform" basically he says they made the game as good as they could on each platform, so if that doesnt tell you there is a power gap i dont know what does.

3596d ago
Matt6663596d ago

Mark Rubin your just scared to actually try better things with COD so you just copy and paste the same game every year