
Call Of Duty: Ghosts Mark Rubin interview – ‘there are things that we’re not allowed to talk about’

GameCentral talks to the executive producer of the new Call Of Duty about sequels, 3D multiplayer, and why the PS4 version of Ghosts looks the best…

Thantalas3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

An excellent interview. David Jenkins from Metro deserves a lot of respect for this.

So many writers on video game websites and magazines think it is their job to sit on the fence and never ask difficult questions because they fear a developer or publisher will stop further access. But Jenkins asked Mark Rubin some tough questions about performance whilst always maintaining a professional and friendly tone. He asked questions that real gamers want to know the truth about including why is there a disparity with the next-gen versions of Call of Duty Ghosts?

Rubin avoided answering but he did give away some significant information, that Infinity Ward and Activision are under strict Non-disclosure agreements that prevent them from talking about the performance difference. This reveals a new shady side of the industry where console manufacturer/s use contracts to stop gamers knowing pertinent information which is relevant for making an informed purchasing decision.

No-doubt both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will have some fantastic games but many consumers want to know facts about the hardware and this won't happened if video game 'personalities' reverse their previous opinions and start claiming that specifications are not important - they are important, gamers do want better that's why there are new console cycles every 5 or 6 years. If there wasn't we would still be playing Pong and Space Invaders. Of course beautiful graphics make a game, nobody is saying that. But we want to know that there are real improvements in the next generation.

For many video game websites and magazines they walk a delicate tightrope of sharing news with the public and keeping publishers happy with their editorial stance but if they don't speak up the real issues then there will be no facts in the industry just spin. I hope journalist can learn from this and represent gamers by asking the questions that need to be asked.

Pintheshadows3598d ago

Yeah, he didn't pull any punches. He asked Mark awkward questions and not just a couple either.

Angels37853598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

People need to see this part

"GC: So the obvious assumption from all this is that the PlayStation 4 is definitely more powerful than the Xbox One, is that true?

MR: [acting very embarrassed] I can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t answer it on a technical level or because you’re being diplomatic?

MR: Can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t say whether you’re avoiding the question for diplomatic reasons?

MR: [embarrassed] I just can’t say anything…"

I wonder which company is trying to keep them quiet...../s

WeAreLegion3598d ago

Haha. It sounds like Jenkins was trying to get an Airplane joke in there.

Enemy3598d ago

Microsoft: Conceal the facts HURRY

aCasualGamer3598d ago


This whole part is more interesting.

"GC: So, just finally, I have to ask: why does the PlayStation 4 version look so much better than the Xbox One? Is the resolution really the only difference?

MR: [laughs] Yep, it’s the only difference. The TVs are different on some of them, but… they both have their different rendering engines but they’re as close as possible. It really comes down to resolution. Xbox is upscaled 720, it’s outputting at 1080p but it’s upscaled from 720. Whereas PlayStation 4 is native 1080p. So that’s really the only graphical difference. But it is enough. Some people here are saying they don’t really notice a difference…

GC: Was that the guy with the white stick?

MR: [laugh] But yeah, the PS4 looks really good.

GC: Is the PC version still better?

MR: There’s actually some features that we’ve added to the PC that are definitively not on any other generation. We worked with Nvidia a lot with this, but we have a different form of anti-aliasing that’s really new and advanced – that isn’t on current or next gen. We have a fur shader on the dog and on the wolves, they actually have a moving fur shader that works really well, for PC. And the third one, which I think is one of the coolest ones, is we’re using Nvidia’s APEX Turbulence tech to have smoke that actually wisps and waves and moves out of the way of objects.

GC: So is that something the new consoles can’t do or you just didn’t have time to implement it?

MR: No, it’s… well, you can do almost anything, almost. Tessellation can’t be done on current gen for the most part, because it’s a DirectX 11 feature, but we could still do it but you’d get a frame rate of 2. So that really becomes the reason we do everything: the reason the Xbox One is 720, the reason the PlayStation 4 is 1080 is we’re trying to make the game look as good as it possible can and making sure we maintain our 60 frames per second.

We maintain the latency and the speed and the things that people actually care about. Even if they won’t admit it, the thing that makes Call Of Duty popular is how it feels, because of those priorities.

GC: So the obvious assumption from all this is that the PlayStation 4 is definitely more powerful than the Xbox One, is that true?

MR: [acting very embarrassed] I can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t answer it on a technical level or because you’re being diplomatic?

MR: Can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t say whether you’re avoiding the question for diplomatic reasons?

aCasualGamer3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

... sorry if the post is too long, but it's important for people to read this.

MR: [embarrassed] I just can’t say anything…

[Even the attending PR guy is looking embarrassed by this point]

PR guy: It’s very hard for us to be…

GC: Are the console manufacturers leaning on you to avoid these sort of questions?

MR: [unsure - speaking to PR guy] I don’t know if that…

MR: [even more embarrassed to us] Yeah, there’s things that we… We sign NDAs with the first parties [i.e. Microsoft and Sony - GC] and there are things that we’re not allowed to talk about.

GC: So when John Carmack and Shinji Mikami say the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are almost identical, is that something you could agree with?

MR: Hmm… I would say that’s a bit inaccurate but I wouldn’t be able to tell you any detail of why that’s inaccurate.

GC: For diplomatic reasons?

MR: Yes.

GC: Okay, that’s fine. I think we can all read between those lines. But that’s absurd, how can they not except any journalist, any reasonable journalist, not to ask that question? It’s what everyone wants to know.

MR: [still feeling very awkward] The key thing is we try to focus people away from that sort of thing and try to focus them on the fact that the game is fun no matter what platform it’s on.

GC: Do you think with the next game you make there will there be such an obvious disparity between the two formats?

MR: Unknown… But over time… If you look at Call Of Duty 2 compared to COD 4 there’s a massive graphic difference, they look very different. So I think we’ll get better, yes.

GC: But will that same proportional gap always be there?

MR: Don’t know. Until we get there I honestly don’t know. To be not diplomatic or anything [laughs] we really don’t know. We’ve done as much as we can in the time we have to get where we’re at. Will they close the gap? Will they go off in the opposite direction? Who knows? But for this game it is what it is.

GC: Do you think everyone else will have these same problems? All these other cross-generational games that are out at launch?

MR: Well, I think they’ve already said they are haven’t they? Battlefield 4 is 720 on Xbox One and I think 900 on PS4? Titanfall has said they’re 720… So we’re not the first to say we’re 720 on the Xbox One.

GC: No, no. So they’re all obviously hitting the same wall.

MR: Yeah, so you’re reading that correctly in that it’s not specifically us doing something villainous. It’s a thing where all of us have to work at getting better at developing for both consoles. And that’s the fun part. I always use the analogy that the first game on a new console is always like an awkward first date, but once you know a lot more about each other it’s a lot better.

GC: Okay that’s great, thanks very much for your time.

MR: Not at all, that was interesting."

fenome3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

It's not just about the resolution, it's not just about the number 720p or 1080. It's about admitting the FACT that they hit a bottleneck and had to compromise. I hear so much "oh, most people won't notice" blah, blah. It's not about that, it's the FACT that they had to gimp it down on the Xbox One version to get the same frame-rate as the PS4. Yet, they still won't admit it, they'll just continue to try to justify it or overlook it completely or change the subject.

The Xbox One is technically gimped because they put so much effort into kinect. PERIOD. If you like Kinect and that's the reason you're getting an Xbox One, cool, I'm not bashing. To each their own, but stop claiming secret sauce is going to make it 10 times more powerful. Please! It's utter nonsense, have some self-dignity

This is just for the trolls. If you genuinely like the Xbox One, cool, do your thing. I'm not trying to be a hater or anything. Some of the delusional trolls on here are just totally ridiculous. And yes, I know there are annoying fanboys on all sides, and they are all equally annoying.

Oh, and my proof is in this paragraph. They could've made it 1080p, but then they wouldn't have hit their 60fps goal. While I do agree that in a game like this 60fps is more important than resolution, they were able to do both on the PS4. So yes, there was a compromise on the X1 version:

MR: No, it’s… well, you can do almost anything, almost. Tessellation can’t be done on current gen for the most part, because it’s a DirectX 11 feature, but we could still do it but you’d get a frame rate of 2. So that really becomes the reason we do everything: the reason the Xbox One is 720, the reason the PlayStation 4 is 1080 is we’re trying to make the game look as good as it possible can and making sure we maintain our 60 frames per second.

3598d ago
Maddens Raiders3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

The real answers are what Mark Rubin didn't say, when he wasn't saying it.

This is probably the most informative, and direct interview I've seen on N4G all year. It was so refreshing not to hear the same old spin and buzzwords and to see a real reporter ask the tough and uncomfortable questions that thinking people want to know. Bravo to!

HammadTheBeast3598d ago

These interviews are funny, but awkward.

Computersaysno3597d ago

Its like A Few Good Men all over!

Major Nelson: Can't wait for the truth to come out!

Mark Rubin: The Truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Which is why you forced everyone to not say it with NDAs and contracts......isn't it Microsoft

irepbtown3597d ago

I actually respect Mark Rubin for what he did here. He tried his best to answer David's questions, without breaking whatever he agreed with Microsoft/Sony. He didn't get angry or attempt to halt these very awkward question (though they are great questions for us).

And great great great journalism by David, some extremely awkward questions for Mark but these are the questions we (gamers) want answered. Brilliant!

r1sh123597d ago

Read this story before we start bashing MS and SOny.. (it could be activision who could not get 1080p on Xbone)..

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Sci0n3598d ago

indeed that is a very shady practice and it should make gamers who want the best out of there experience dig deeper to find the truth.

3598d ago
Thantalas3598d ago

The word 'don't' got left out of my original post! Here is the amended sentence.

"Of course beautiful graphics don't make a game, nobody is saying that. But we want to know that there are real improvements in the next generation."

allformats3598d ago

How ironic it is that a publication not dedicated to games journalism gives the best videogames interview in months!

Shame on this freaking industry!!

Sevir3598d ago

Amen!!! This is how Gaming journalism should be, whether the news is positive or negative it should be covered and interviews should be just like this, stern pulling no punches. Expertly given and very professional, no bias, just platform agnostic straight to the facts questions.

Indeed this was the best Article/Interview and best demonstration of Journalism on display all year!

1OddWorld3598d ago

@Thantalas - Great summation. I am in 100% agreement with you. Great Interviewer.

You sir get a (bubble)for Intelligence.

MorePowerOfGreen3598d ago

Sounds like Rubin is but hurt over MSFT and EA/Dice's dealings.

DoesUs3598d ago

Er, no! You on the otherhand...

Bathyj3598d ago

Oh Im definitely detecting butthurt, but its not coming from Mark Rubin.

NarooN3597d ago

Pretty sure Mark Rubin isn't the one that's butthurt...

5eriously3597d ago

I have to, I just have to waste a bubble. I smell a green troll that will be without power on the 22nd November when he receives his "prized" and pricey order.

I wasted enough of my time and a bubble now, Back to important facts and matters!

Very good article. Very good questions and very good answers. I just cannot believe the ordasity of M$ trying their utmost best to hide the truth, be it good or bad. I wish a class lawsuit action develops from this as obviously it seems that consumers are deliberately kept in the dark about the specifications and functionality on what they are getting for their pre-ordered goods.

It's a travesty and I just cannot contemplate that people still trust in M$ after their RROD and now this resolution gate saga!

KwietStorm_BLM3597d ago

Not sure if stupid or incredibly stupid...

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nukeitall3598d ago


Actually, I think most gamers just care about games, the features, and well what else it can do.

The vast majority don't care if it has 1.4 or 1.45 flop this flop that.

Personally, what consumers should care about is what is pertinent. Pertinent things are what would you like to do with your console, what games you play and how do you like to play them!

All this other nonsense is for fangirls to wage their war.

rainslacker3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

I think most gamers care about what games they would like to play, and I also believe that most gamers are attracted to the shiniest and best graphics they can get regardless of game play. A fun game can make up for that, but there is a reason the biggest AAA titles are also the ones with the best graphics. Graphics sell, and to get those graphics you need power.

Specs play an important part in that, and while it's not the end all of what makes a good game, there is no denying that a great many do care about specs, even if not directly.

G20WLY3597d ago

"All this other nonsense is for fangirls to wage their war."

...And here you are, right on cue, fighting it.


KwietStorm_BLM3597d ago

So if a game clearly looks and/or runs better on one platform, but a certain platform holder is purposefully stopping this information from reaching the consumer, i.e you and me, you don't think that's pertinent information? Were you making such statements early in the PS3's life, when it suffered through the multiplatforn situation, and certain people around here made that very well known amongst the community?

You don't actually have to answer those questions.

iHEARTboobs3598d ago

Why in the world would developers and publishers talk about disparities between console versions. They're in the business of selling their product. Making one version seem not up to par is not what they want.

Lior3598d ago

so what he is basically saying microsoft made them sign NDA and not to talk or compare their console in terms of power to the competitors

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Metfanant3598d ago

pretty easy to read between the lines on this one IMO

1OddWorld3598d ago

There are some popcorn eating Mofo's around N4G.

majiebeast3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

"GC: So the obvious assumption from all this is that the PlayStation 4 is definitely more powerful than the Xbox One, is that true?

MR: [acting very embarrassed] I can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t answer it on a technical level or because you’re being diplomatic?

MR: Can’t answer that.

GC: You can’t say whether you’re avoiding the question for diplomatic reasons?

MR: [embarrassed] I just can’t say anything…"

Wow... Its not like the consumers need to know this or anything...
Kudo's to David Jenkins for actually being a journalist instead of being affraid he will lose his freebies and swagbags. Something other "journalists" dont dare and who only ask soft ball questions. Game "journalist" are more PR mouth pieces then they are Journalist.

Cal Robbins from cant talk about the embargo of Xbone cod because there is a embargo on the embargo. Microsoft really wants to keep this underwraps for as long as possible.

MasterCornholio3598d ago

It pretty much confirms it.

Nexus 7 2013

GarrusVakarian3598d ago

Everyone and their dog knows the PS4 is more powerful, regardless if this guy says it. Its just fact, i don't see why we need to even bring it up any more.

Sci0n3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

If they where absolutely the same or very similar like some devs have been saying and this guy truly believed that he would have said it and not plead the fifth.

mistertwoturbo3598d ago


While everyone does know, there are still those in denial and even go as far as saying 720p is better than 1080p.

TheFallenAngel3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Freebies and swagbags hahahaha that made laugh so hard lol. Bubbles.

Belking3598d ago

It's the xbox-one that is more powerful. If it was the ps4 he would of said it because that's certain devs have already stated it before, so why would he be so reluctant. Watch and see. The xbox-one is more powerful and MS has a NDA in place for devs not to say anything. Even Dice has stated that xb1 hardware is still under NDA. They will be dropping the bomb really soon. You guys will see.

majiebeast3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )


Go back to reddit with those delusions.

EXVirtual3598d ago

We've seen the spec sheets for months, we've seen the very accurate report from EDGE and now, we have a HUGE multiplats that is confirmed to be running at a higher resolution on the PS4 than the XBO.
What more do you need to see?

SpinnerM3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

@ Belking. Everything you said reminds me of Linus from "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown". Anyone else get the reference? You,sir, are delusional! But you go ahead and buy your Xbox.

boneso823598d ago

No wonder your down to one bubble. Crazy, delusional comments like that. Do you really think that if the Xbox One was more powerful that the games would be running at lower resolutions? That's insane amounts of fanboy denial right there!

Pintheshadows3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Hahaha. Oh Belking, you poor deluded fool. That is one of the funniest comments I have ever seen on N4G and that is saying a LOT.

Are you expecting them to reveal a hidden Titan in that featureless black box? I'll admit, it is big enough to contain one. Maybe that is why the NDA was drawn up. Or maybe it features alien technology that MS can't let us know about. Or maybe each X1 has a Green Lantern Corps power rings at its heart.

I'm actually giving you a bubble for funny. At least you put a little effort into your incessant trolling.

Holeran3598d ago

Ya and after the NDA drops COD Ghosts is going to get patched and run at 4k. hehehehehe

MRMagoo1233598d ago

Yeh the xbone is the most powerful lol thats why COD ghosts looks like a current gen game on it and still drops more frames than an epileptic window fitter /s

Look at the cod vid for xbone lol the guy cant even turn around without the frames dropping to sub 20, its like a slide show, the games running at 720p imagine if they got it to 1080p, instead of playing the game it would be a book where you had to turn the pages.

ps4lifesucka3598d ago

your logic is flawless sir

jmac533598d ago

Hey Lukas_Japonicus, this is the guy you were talking about a few posts up. Pure delusions.

rainslacker3598d ago

I am not convinced that you troll for fun, not because you actually believe the stuff you say. Even the most delusional fan boy would not say this when all the known facts go against everything you just said.

Also, the ones that compare the two systems generally either downplay the difference, or say they're "about equal". This guy avoided the question. Those that talk exclusively about the PS4 say it's a very powerful machine(no comparison), those that talk about the X1 say it's a powerful machine(again no comparison). They aren't lying, there is just no frame of reference for the statement.

gamer20133597d ago

If Xb1 hardware is more powerful why the lower res upscale instead of 1080p native?

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