
Call of Duty: Ghosts – the billion-dollar new beginning

Infinity Ward knows a thing or two about change – even if it has worked on the same multimillion-dollar franchise since its origins as a splinter group from the Medal of Honor series 11 years ago.

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ShowGun9013602d ago

as far as the story in these kinda games (cod, but also battlefeild, killzone, medal of honor, etc...) i think people need to realize that war games usually all have the same characters in them, one way or the other... old vet, new guy, smart guy, wimpy guy, redneck guy, its the same stuff in war movies too. then one guy will die, and it will make all the others reflect on stuff. you'll earn the respect of the guy who didn't like you in the first mission. the old vet will die or retire, and you'll take up his mantle. its the starship troopers "cmon, do ya wanna live forever?!?" moment... thats why the set peices in the single player work so well, they are the only thing REALLY unique in the story LOL...

theres only so many takes on this kinda stuff... not saying i don't like battlefeild or killzone or cod... love all three... its just the story ALWAYS seems a little rehashed no matter which it is... #1 reason i always like jumping pretty much straight to multiplayer LOL

shivvy243602d ago

Yeah, I actually don't know how shadow fall might turn out, I think the helghast are gonna win the war over vektans

ShowGun9013602d ago

maybe! they've done a pretty good job of actually trying to show both sides instead of them just being "evil"

venom063602d ago

GOD... IT IS NOT A NEW BEGINNING... i dont understand why people fall for this marketing gimmick. This is story may be slightly changed but this is still MW4. IW devs even said that it was going to be called MW4, but they changed the name.

ShowGun9013602d ago

i agree with the article from a while back that likened COD more to madden or fifa than other FPSs... ALOT more people would be mad if they radically changed it than if they kept it the same...

maddens not my cup of tea, but im not gonna rage on it... it wouldn't be madden if you changed too much. cod is the same way, and MILLIONS of people like that about it...

street fighter 4 has the same DNA as 1,2 and third strike, but thats what MAKES it street fighter... sometimes knowing what to expect is a good thing and i think a few more people should try and see it that way occasionally.

i forgot, its the new cool thing to just bash cod. damn hipsters...

famoussasjohn3602d ago

While it can be argued about it being the same game as always, there are no characters from the previous MW games, new characters as well as new setting and theme.

They never said it was going to be MW4,

also they have no plans of doing MW4, as Ghosts will more than likely have a sequal.