
Top 7 Gaming Exclusives That Really Hurt

Exclusive games aren't unusual. Every console has titles just for it. But some shouldn't be locked away. These seven should have appeared everywhere!

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lxeasy1588d ago

It's one of those sites where you have to click on the next page to see the next game...ugh

chris2351587d ago

wouldn‘t have clicked this blogpost anyway. whining about exclusives is really kindergarten.

Tross1587d ago

To think I used to visit that site regularly. I haven't for quite some time though. I hated their list format even back then, and their decent writing staff were slowly but surely being replaced by MS fanboys, so I made tracks.

Bronxs151587d ago

i dunno if it's whining. i can see someone on xbox with an exclusive like ori, sunset overdrive, or cuphead and being like it hurt those games that more people didn't get to play them. true to some extent i think. at least cuphead, and (maybe ori?) moved to switch. i know it's on pc, but now other console gamers get to play. i think quantum break was good too and some ps4 owners would have enjoyed it.

darthv721587d ago

So the bottom line of this piece is, if the game is developed by a 1st or 2nd party then it should be exclusive. Example: 343 making Halo for MS or Naughty Dog making TLoU for Sony.

If developed by a 3rd party it should be published by a 3rd party for any platform that wants a copy. There would be no more 3rd party games published by platform holders. Example: Insomniac developed games published by the likes of MS or Sony or Nintendo but instead a 3rd party publisher like Sega or Activision.

I guess i understand that rationale. The spider-man game currently has no ties to the movie license that Sony has the rights to but if it did then it would make sense for Sony to hold the exclusivity.

lociefer1587d ago

As soon as i realized that i regretted my click, them idiots need to join us in 2019 and leave the past alone

DarXyde1587d ago (Edited 1587d ago )

There are 7 games listed in the tags.

I will assume those are the 7 of interest and move on.

AK911587d ago

Thanks for telling me saved me a click

Juancho511587d ago

Thanks for saving me some time, I hate those damn next page sites...fucking stupid.

Bronxs151587d ago

thanks for the heads up i won't bother click lol

Profchaos1587d ago

Just look at the tags and you can see all the titles mentioned

drunkenspy0071587d ago

any cheatcc post is just clickbait.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1587d ago
Hardiman1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )

They aren't locked away, they just have been produced and created by a company and it's studios or a company sees an install base and sees that their game would sell well there. I've been gaming for 30 years and only recently has this notion of "exclusives " become an issue. Every console has had its games that only are on that system. Like I don't recall there being a push for Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic, Strangers Wraith or Morrowind to come to the PS2. I'd imagine because the PS2 had a shit load of it's own exclusives. No I had an Xbox for those games. It's not difficult to understand how this works!

Again if a company is doing enough business and has a reputation for quality it's makes sense they'd draw attention from license holders.

For me the narrative should be why isn't there a push for all major console providers to strive to reach the level of quality of competitors and fund more NEW IP's instead of shaming them for providing a fertile environment that delivers the quality exclusives in the first place.

This isn't a cheap hobby and if you are limited on funds then I'd suggest getting the system with the widest range of software that speaks to you.

1587d ago Replies(8)
FallenAngel19841588d ago

If it hurts that bad then just get the console it’s on instead of crying about it

BehindTheRows1587d ago (Edited 1587d ago )

Yup! Problem solved.

stuna11587d ago

But yet two people seem to disagree with you!?

raWfodog1587d ago (Edited 1587d ago )

Exactly what I was planning to do for Scalebound. I was going to buy an Xbox since that was the only Xbox One game I was looking forward to playing but they went and killed that chance.

1588d ago Replies(1)
Lexreborn21587d ago

I won’t ever encourage this thought process. Seeing anyone purposely stop themselves from enjoying something they have an interest in then blaming someone else will never resonate with me.

If I want a whopper I’m not going to cry because Burger King has the whopper I’m going to go get the damn whopper. If I want a game on a different platform I’m going to go get it.

Most of the time I can wait and if I wait it’s cheaper and I still enjoy myself no more then getting it day one. I wish people would stop acting like anyone is holding a gun to their head on not getting exclusives. You have a choice, you just choose to whine.

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