
Why a Game Store War Could Be Great for Gamers

Over the last few years, and more importantly, the last few months, the introduction of a staggering amount of new gaming stores and platforms. Though Epic Game Store is the largest potential threat to Steams monopoly, the introduction of Rockstar Games, Bethesda Launcher, the Xbox PC Launcher, Twitch, and Discord. Combine those with the slightly more established Digital Stores like; Humble,, GoG, Origin, Battlenet, Uplay, and the Microsoft Store, and you get a well-established, large scale PC “Gaming Store War”.

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Blu3_Berry1440d ago

A store war shouldn't even be a thing. It's stupid and splits the entire PC community. It ruins what made PC gaming so great in the first place.

bishup251439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

Actually PC gaming started out with separate launchers packaged into game discs. this misconception that PC gaming started out with a single client is incorrect. Client based launchers came much later to PC gaming.

1439d ago
Sophisticated_Chap1439d ago

Exactly, all major releases should be available on all store fronts. People will choose the platform they prefer, based on features and community. Exclusivity is a nasty thing these days.

MostlyAlwaysWrite1440d ago

Competition is good for the consumer. Steams been lazy for too long

SegaGamer1439d ago

In what way has Steam been lazy? Seriously, I would like to know this, because from what I can see, I get everything I need out of it.

zelent1439d ago

You must be delusional...
- Ugly and bug ridden UI
- Garbage game sales
- Zero interest to develop first-party games (Half-Life 3, Team Fortress 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3...)
Steam/Valve has become complacent. Gamers should be thankful that platforms like EGS are finally offering some degree of competition.

SegaGamer1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )


1 - I have never really had a problem with the bugs, I can't say I have noticed anything that would ruin my experience. I don't really find it ugly either, it works and it's easy to use, that is all I care about.

2 - Surely game sales being good or not are subjective right? I can always find something I would like during any game sale. Also, when you have so many games, game sales tend to be less appealing than they were in the past because you already have so much of what you wanted. I love Steam sales personally, especially their big ones, I tend to always find something I like. You also need to remember that the likes of Humble Bundle and Fanatical have their own sales that are mostly games for Steam. I find it hard to complain about sales when us PC gamers have so many sales every year from different stores.

3 - I'll agree with you on that, but as somebody that isn't really interested in games created by Valve and the fact that there are tons of different options to choose from, I can't say I'm that bothered by it.

nyu11438d ago

Steam is not lazy. It has amazing features, honestly.

AK911439d ago

Yes it can be just not with Epic leading the war.

AllMightyFox1439d ago

These articles always make me laugh …

How can you have a war when Steam has the nukes, satellites, submarines, tanks, missiles, drones, and more …

While Epic and MS has a BB gun, 2 cups and a string between the both of them ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

SegaGamer1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

To be honest, I don't particularly care that much where I buy games from. It can be annoying trusting a bunch of random companies with my personal and bank / credit card / paypal details, but I can just about tolerate it. What I don't like is dividing my games all over different platforms. I also don't like dividing my friends, achievements, and everything else that comes with them. This is the problem we have right now. With EA, Ubisoft, Epic, Valve, Bathesda and others creating their own launchers, and only one of them actually creating a launcher that I like ( Steam ) it's just become a mess. Convenience is key, and it feels like that convenience has been taken away in some ways.

What would be ideal is a unified platform that handles everything like your games collection, achievements, friends list, forum, etc, but doesn't have a games store of their own so they can't demand a percentage of sales from the publishers. For example, you buy a game from Steam or Epic, and instead of the game being attached to their launcher, it is attached to your Steam or Epic account which is then linked to the unified platform that handles all of the extra features that comes with gaming of today.

I know it's complete fantasy talk though, asking the gaming industry to come together and actually help create something like this would be like asking for a miracle. All they care about is feeding off our bank accounts.

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